
Friday, July 13, 2012

Old MacDonald Vowel Song

I am getting giddy!  I get to teach a first grade class for several weeks while their teacher is out on maternity leave.  The school I will be at is a year-round school, school starts on July 25th!  I have been going over some things getting ready and today I stumbled on the cutest song ever that I just had to share! 

Old MacDonald Had Some Vowels

Old MacDonald had some vowels: A, E, I, O, U
The first little vowel is the letter A
Let’s see what it can do
With an ă, ă here (ă as in at)
And an ā, ā there (ā as in navy)
Here an ah, there an ah, everywhere an ah, ah (ah as in father)
Old MacDonald had some vowels and the A says: ă, ā, ah.

Old MacDonald had some vowels: A, E, I, O, U
The second little vowel is the letter E
Let’s see what it can do
With an ĕ, ĕ here (ĕ as in end)
And an ē, ē there (ē as in me)
Here an ĕ ē, there an ĕ ē, everywhere an ĕ ē
Old MacDonald had some vowels and the E says ĕ and ē.

Old MacDonald had some vowels: A, E, I, O, U
The third little vowel is the letter I
Let’s see what it can do
With an ĭ, ĭ here (ĭ as in big)
And an ī, ī there (ī as in silent)
Here an ĭ ī, there an ĭ ī, everywhere an ĭ ī
Old MacDonald had some vowels and I says ĭ and ī.

Old MacDonald had some vowels: A, E, I, O, U
The fourth little vowel is the letter O
Let’s see what it can do
With an ŏ, ŏ here (ŏ as in odd)
And an ō, ō there (ō as in open)
Here an oˉo, there oˉo, everywhere an oˉo, oˉo (oˉo as in do)
Old MacDonald had some vowels and O says: ŏ, ō, oˉo.

Old MacDonald had some vowels: A, E, I, O, U
The fifth little vowel is the letter U
Let’s see what it can do
With an ŭ, ŭ here (ŭ as in up)
And an ū,ū there (ū as in music)
Here an o˘o, there an o˘o, everywhere an o˘o, o˘o (o˘o as in put)
Old MacDonald had some vowels and U says: ŭ, ū, o˘o.